Bogor Creative Hub

Designed as generator for creative people in Bogor, this creative hub aims as a collective space of activities that acts as an open platform for exchange, spontaneous, informal exercise & inspiring spaces. This building stands in 1.3 Ha land with 200 years old existing building built by Dutch colonial time, leaves an open space that can be utilized as casual and extension activity. This complex extends to larger neighborhood of Taman Hutan Raya Bogor of Presidential Palace of Indonesia, making it very prominent yet carefully thoughtful in design language.



The Creative hub is conceived as a single building, with porous accessibility from all directions, smoothly connects all open space in the complex for open-air activities & extends to the park. The C form is organized by facing existing big trees & old building like it’s covering & filling out the edge of the complex. The programs inside (auditorium – classrooms – Gallery) occupy different geometries under single curvy roof that reflects as a dominant expression of tropical design. All programs are surrounded by open terrace that enlarge the space as communal space and accessibility. 



The experience throughout the building takes visitors to repetitive columns, combining terrace within inside-out area to the park. The sensation of covered open space continuous thru the terrace, providing an inclusive environment between education, leisure & outdoor performance. The building themselves leave room within the scheme, such as outdoor plaza to historical building, and to breed creativity through a social, informal space and dedicated programs.



“We try to respect as much as we could in order to harmonize between historical building & massive green forest by designing a simple, quite, non-provocative yet flexible for creative spirit” Gemawang Swaribathoro explains about the approach to the creative hub. The concept is to maintain this building as a blank canvas for creative spirit to filling in and activate it with their color & soul. The park in-between old building itself becomes an outdoor stage; performances can either face the large public plaza or as an extensive room from the program inside. The Grand design is organized the whole complex as a catalyst as public and as open as possible to visitors.



Sumber : Asrinesia

Tags : bogor creative hub, bogor, creative hub, hub, architecture, interior design
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